

(“we” “our” “us”)

Website Cookie Policy

1. This policy

We use cookies and similar technologies on the Site.

Please read this policy carefully. It contains important information regarding the use of cookies on the Site.

2. How to contact us

In the event that you have any questions regarding this policy or our use of cookies you should contact us as follows:

3. Cookies

A cookie is a small file/piece of information. Ordinarily cookies comprise of letters and numbers. Cookies are stored on your computer when you access the Site and they can then be sent back to the Site. This process is important to the functionality of the Site as it enables it to remember certain important pieces of information between different pages.

4. Personal information

We may obtain personal information about you through our use of cookies. Such information will generally be anonymous. The types of cookies we use and the information we gather include:

  • Strictly necessary cookies – These are essential to enable webpages or services you have specifically asked for. Without these cookies, services you have asked for cannot be provided.
  • Performance cookies – These collect anonymous information on how you navigate our Website or Services, such as pages visited. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated and anonymous (and so is not personal data/PII).
  • Functionality cookies – These remember choices you make to improve your experience of the Website or Services or to deliver a particular function, for example your username when you sign in so you don’t have to enter it again.
  • Targeting or advertising cookies – These collect information about how you use our Website so we can tailor the Website to you, including on future visits. If we ever allow advertising on our Website, which we currently don’t, this category of cookie would help to make advertising more relevant to you.

Any personal information collected via the use of cookies will only be obtained in accordance with our privacy policy documents which can be found on our website at

5. Consent for cookies

In most cases we will need your consent in order to use cookies on this website.

We may use cookies without your consent where the cookies are essential for the functioning of our site and in order to provide our services to you. For example, this will apply where session cookies are used solely for transmitting communications over an electronic network.

Where we wish to use cookies that require your consent you will be asked whether you consent to the use of cookies.On visiting our website, visitors will be presented with an option to Accept or Decline cookies being used.

Wherever you have given your consent to the use of cookies, you will be able to opt-out and withdraw your consent by either managing your cookie or preference settings in your browser or by contacting us at

6. Third party cookies

We work with third party suppliers who may also access our website for the purpose of setting cookies. These third parties are listed below in section 7. By consenting to the use of cookies on our site you will be consenting to the use of these cookies. These cookies may be used to collect the following information:

  • To help us understand how our customers navigate around our website.
  • How effective our digital marketing campaigns are.
  • Analyse demographic and interest information about our visitors
  • Analyse and understand browsing patterns such as keywords entered, websites and/or social channels arrived from for the purpose of remarketing to customers.

In order to adjust your cookie preferences in relation to third party cookies, you are able to visit the website addresses for the above third parties (eg. Google Analytics Cookie Usage information pageGoogle Analytics Privacy Policy and how to opt out at Google Analytics Opt Out page.)

Details regarding the relevant retention periods for third party cookies can also be found on the website addresses for the above third parties

7. Cookies used on this website

The following cookies/similar technologies are used on this website:

Third party cookies:

  • Google Analytics (__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz,__ga,__gat)
  • These cookies enable the use of Google Analytics.
  • The data collected is anonymous.

8. How to turn off cookies

You can set your browser not to accept cookies. However, some of our website features may not function as a result.

This policy is up to date as of: 12th June 2024.